Bar & Bench Africa is rated 3 out of 5 in the category law. lawyers. data. analytics. Read and write reviews about Bar & Bench Africa. A Firm based in Kampala offering news and insights about the Legal profession, Promoting African Lawyers & covering their untold stories; There are many unsung heroes doing great stuff in Africa and it is our role to cover their stories, and provide real time updates on what is happening on the Continent We provide 1. Lawyer & Law Firm Profiles 2. Legal Articles 3. Case Updates 4. Updates on Legal Jobs 5. Legal Data Analytics 6. Legal_Tech Updates We also provide: #AssociateToPartner - Associates that have risen to Partnership #LEG_ENTs - Legal Entrepreneurs #BarToBench - Lawyers to Bench and Bench Updates, Judges & other Judicial Officers
John Babiiha Avenue
Company size
11-50 employees
Kampala, n/a